About us

Igniting Victory was founded by Jess Berry, a passionate advocate for holistic well-being and personal empowerment. Having overcome adversity in her own life, including extensive childhood sexual abuse and other challenges, Jess is committed to helping others break free from limiting beliefs and ignite their own fulfilling victories in every area of life.

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Jess's Journey: From Victim to Victor

Jess's personal journey has been marked by resilience and transformation. From overcoming the trauma of her past to achieving significant milestones like serving in the military, becoming a homeowner by age 24, traveling solo internationally, and competing in mixed martial arts, Jess has proven that with the right tools and mindset, anything is possible.

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Igniting Victory's Mission

Inspired by her own experiences, Jess created Igniting Victory to provide individuals and teams with the resources and support they need to overcome adversity and achieve their goals. Through our Mindfulness Workshops and Empowerment Retreats, we offer a holistic approach to well-being that combines:

  • Mindfulness and Stress Management: Techniques to help individuals manage stress, anxiety, and negative emotions.

  • Personal Growth and Development: Opportunities for self-discovery and reflection to bring clarity on one's true identity and purpose.

  • Community and Belonging: A supportive community where individuals can connect, share experiences, and find encouragement.

Our Approach

We believe that everyone has the potential for greatness and that by leveraging mindfulness, movement, and community, individuals can overcome challenges and live fulfilling lives. Our programs are designed to empower individuals to:

  • Break free from limiting beliefs: Overcome self-doubt and fear.

  • Develop resilience and personal faith: Build the mental, emotional, and spiritual strength to face adversity.

  • Ignite their inner power: Discover their true potential and achieve their goals as the Victor of their life story.

Join Us

If you're ready to ignite your victory, we invite you to join our community. Our workshops and retreats offer a transformative experience that can help you achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life.

“Jess spoke to our Duncan Family Farms Youth and walked the students through her Victim to Victor journey. She shared her story, eloquently weaving lessons, incorporating footage and useful tools for the youth to apply in their own life. The group was engaged throughout and eager to learn more, even requesting additional reading material at the end of the presentation! 

Thank you, Jess, for spending the day with our group. We look forward to planning a youth retreat in the future!”

Esmeralda Peralta-Aroz, Youth Program Coordinator

Empower yourself today